Orford Ambiance Super Premium from $379.90 per ton


Hardwood Proven Performance

Volume Buy to SAVE More!

From $379.90 per pallet

Now $399.90 per ton

2+ tons $389.90 per ton

5+ pallets $379.90 per pallet

Delivery/Trip Fee SAVINGS on 3+ to 4+ pallet orders Reduced cost or FREE depending on Location

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Top Rated Hardwood King Pellet.

Orford Premier Super Premium Hardwood Pellet Orford is manufacturer of super premium wood pellets. Orford wood pellets are made of 100% hardwood, mostly maple, oak and wild cherry

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Orford/Ambiance Super Premium Hardwood Pellet

 Super Heating Performance & “Ambiance” all in One!!!

Orford is manufacturer of super premium wood pellets. Orford/Ambiance Super Premium wood pellets are made of 100% hardwood, mostly maple, oak and wild cherry.  Recognized for the energy returns obtained by their longer and cleaner combustion, Orford wood pellets answers the most rigorous requirements in efficiency, cleanliness and comfort. Throughout the manufacturing process,  Orford hardwood pellets undergo several quality controls to assure  superior quality. They are also screened two times during processing with the goal of obtaining  minimum dust in each bag.

Why choose our 100% Hardwood Wood Pellets?

Cleaner Combustion = Cleaner Stove
Compared with a softwood pellet Orford wood pellets contain no resin. As a consequence, during the combustion, the particles of dust do not stick on the walls of your stove and contributes in keeping it cleaner and to assure its good efficiency.

Many times we here “I’m looking for a high heat low ash pellet.” Well here it is: Orford Hardwood Super Premium Pellets have proven over the years that consistent heat production and minimal residual maintenance can be the key to heating our New England Homes.


Volume Buy to SAVE More!

From $379.90 per pallet

Now $399.90 per ton

2+ tons $389.90 per ton

5+ pallets $379.90 per pallet

Delivery/Trip Fee SAVINGS on 3+ to 4+ pallet orders Reduced cost or FREE depending on Location

SAVINGS Calculated in Shopping Cart