Envi 8 Blended Brick Fuel
These bricks are an all wood product with no additives which are specifically designed to be used as firewood in wood stoves, fireplaces, fire pits and wood furnaces. Envi 8 Blended Brick Fuel are made from a blend of Hardwood & Softwood sawdust, shavings and mechanically compressed into a larger block size.
Each brick is appox. 3 1/4″ x 2 3/4″ x 9 1/2″ long
– Longer Burn Time – Great for overnight burning, 8 to 10 hours possible
– Less Mess – No insects – No dirt – No fungus – No mold
– Less Ash Residue – Burn Cleaner – Less creosote
– More Heat – Higher density – Lower moisture content
– More Convenient – Occupies less space – Easier to store
– Save Time – Less handling – No seasoning – No splitting
Each pallet contains 96 packages of 6 Envi 8 Blended bricks
Due to Heavy Demand Envi 8 Blended Brick Fuel is
Sold Out for Now
Watch for 2025/26 Spring Early Buy for Availability
Envi 8 Bricks
Easy on the air-They contain no chemicals or additives, so they don’t release harmful toxins into the air you breathe.
- Energy efficient-They contain low levels of moisture, so when they burn, virtually all of their mass is directly converted into heat.
- Environmentally sustainable. They are a renewable fuel source. Our products are made with hardwood sawdust and shavings that otherwise would have been considered waste. When you burn Envi 8 Bricks the impact is carbon neutral.
- Cost effective. Prices for wood blocks and pellets are typically less affected by inflation than those for fossil fuels and other heating
- They create very little dirt, dust and ash.
- Made in the U.S.A.