Wood Pellet Hardwood 4 ton Bundle Driveway Delivery Included


2 Power Packed Proven Hardwood Performance Wood Pellets in One Complete Bundle.

2 tons Somerset Hardwood Pellets


2 tons Orford Hardwood Pellets



Garage Placement is Available for Good Condition Asphalt or Solid Concrete Driveways with Clean Concrete Floor Garage


Wood Pellet Hardwood 4 ton Bundle Driveway Delivery Included

2 Power Packed Proven Hardwood Performance Wood Pellets in One Complete Bundle.

2 tons Somerset Hardwood Pellets


2 tons Orford Hardwood Pellets

For many years these 2 Hardwood have been Highly Rated for their consistent Heat Producing Capabilities. Now they have come together to in 1 bundled package. Offering higher than average heat output while keeping the residual ash to a minimum. Burning efficiently on low to medium to high heat output setting on your heating unit make Somerset & Orford a team that can deliver the heat you need when you need it.

To add more value driveway delivery is included with this package. Garage placement is also an available option if you have a solid asphalt paved or solid concrete driveway

This Powerful Bundle is being offered now with delivery options for:

August, September, October, November, December
